Originally published March 1st 2018:

I am at a point now where I scroll through social media shaking my head. It seems so easy for everyone to become entangled in a divisive issue and before you know it, you have chosen a perspective. You then embrace your viewpoint and all of those who agree with you as you draw a line and begin to separate consciousness. As you do this you are polarizing your consciousness and if you are paying attention to what you are feeling the pull toward anger and hatred is unmistakable.

At the moment the dividing issue is once again weapons and the loss of innocent lives. I am in no way marginalizing what occurred or the impact it has had upon those affected, but the downstream effects in the general populace are very familiar; division and anger. If you step back from the specifics of the events you begin to see the same repeating pattern of using a contentious issue to induce separation. Whether the event is organic or manufactured (and I am not labeling any of them because I refuse to be polarized) it is then used to cause a polarized response. The increasing frequency of these events are coinciding with the continual rise in positive (unity) polarity, and this is by design.

The Universe and everything that exists within it operates upon a delicate energy balance. The experiment of polarity is a facet of that energy balance. Positive polarity is steadily increasing within all spacetime constructs on Earth and throughout the Galaxy. This is the antibiotic that is removing the negative polarities. Negatively aligned consciousness can feel the power of their polarity diminishing as the energy balance continues to swing in the positive direction. They are losing power and are attempting to hold the energy balance by polarizing as many consciousnesses as they can. As I have previous stated, the unity wave will occur when the polarity balance reaches an acceptable threshold. The higher density negatives who exist beyond fourth density are well aware of this fact and are doing whatever they can to keep negative polarity beyond the acceptable level as they cling to their existence.

If you become immersed in a divisive conflict you are allowing yourself to become polarized. It does not matter what causes the polarization, only that it occurs. Guns, politics, race, religion, nationality, gender, it does not matter. Polarity was designed to create division from unity and anything that accomplishes that goal will be used. We must all become responsible for our thoughts and feelings and refuse to be activated by events beyond our sphere of influence. Each of us create our personal reality through the thoughts we carry. There are many people providing discussions on the power of conscious thought for a reason. The ending of polarity is not something you can sit back and let “The space aliens” do for you. Each and every one of us has to become the master of their consciousness. This is a fundamental prerequisite of ascending into a higher level of capability. Know when you are being polarized and understand what that feels like inside you. Everyone can easily recognize the emotions of fear, anger, and hatred. You can make the choice to discard these feelings as poor choices, or you can can embrace the old familiar energy and focus it upon whatever you feel deserves it. However, there can be no division within you if you are seeking UNITY with creational energy. The definition of unity precludes it: “The quality or state of being united or joined as a whole.”

Polarity has foisted this charade upon the consciousness of Earth for long enough. Stand in unity, stand in love for all creation, stand together as one and say:

“I see through your game and I no longer wish to play it!”

In love and service to all… Todd Deviney

Enlightened Aspect Productions / Expansion For Ascending Consciousness

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