Dear Todd, many light warrior / channelers et. al. shy away from the subject of Bitcoin, as a tool of moving forward into a higher order consciousness and break away from the clutch of central banks and governments. Can you elaborate?
This is the second time this question of digital currency has been asked of me. I guess it is time to answer it.
On Earth, the concept of money as an energetic resource is pummeled into our psyche from birth. All countries use it, and we are conditioned to think that the accumulation of money is a measure of success. Many who awaken reject this paradigm as they seek genuine experiences over a lifetime of servitude and choices they would not normally make. The other aspect of money is the power it wields to warp the intentions of those seeking it. All of us can point to examples of people who have chosen financial gain at the expense of their fellow humans. Lying, cheating, stealing, corrupted uses of power, killing, destroying the environment we depend upon, and the list goes on. All of it occurring so that one can elevate themselves above another within a material construct. We have been playing this same game on Earth for thousands of years. The faces change as consciousness incarnates into the various roles, but the game has not changed.
Stop for just a minute and try to imagine what this world would look like without the concept of money. The first thing to disappear would be all the fingers that are silently taking it out of your pocket. Whatever you produced as a result of your effort belonged to you. Think about that for a minute. How much of your life do you spend working to pay others who do nothing but take your effort from you? When I stopped to actually calculate that, my first impulse was to sell everything and walk off into the forest with a backpack and never return. Okay, maybe I’m STILL thinking about doing that.
Over a year ago I was asked about our concept of money and how it fits into an ascending construct. I have modified the response slightly, but the discussion is as relevant to this question as it was to the question asked then.
What about the post-apocalyptic economy? What can fourth density expect in day to day life and is money still being used?
First of all, let’s dispense with the term ‘post-apocalyptic’. We are moving into a wonderful new world of amazing potential with possibilities limited only by our ability to imagine them. From that perspective the only apocalypse that is coming is to those drenched in polarity and self-interest, and even then, it only seems apocalyptic from their current vantage point of energetic separation. Let’s start with the concept of money and economy since that one is easier to answer and leads to the second question.
If we look back in time far enough, we find a point in our civilized evolution where we had just evolved from being foragers. Groups had formed and had begun cultivating the land, preserving food, and generally planning for the future survival and continuity of the group. Other groups were doing the same and some focused on different skills. If you had an abundance of preserved meat because you were ardent hunters and another group had the ability to craft superior hunting weapons, you traded. The exchange rate of meat to weapons was agreed upon directly by the two groups and the barter was completed in the best interest of those involved. Obviously, lugging meat, weapons, and other items around for barter was cumbersome and time consuming. This is where an intermediary device of exchange sprang into existence.
The concept that something compact could be used as a viable exchange initially hinged on its intrinsic value. There was no ‘promise’ of value in the item being traded. Gold, silver, and copper had value as a commodity. Everyone knew the ingots could be melted down and used to craft jewelry and other items of trade, so the practice became widely accepted… and this is where polarization within consciousness steps in and begins to hijack a process meant to assist and benefit all.
If you dipped a lead ingot in gold, you could trick some of the scales and get something for yourself that you did not deserve at the expense of another. As this process became known and expanded, the defrauded citizens demanded that the ingots be controlled and regulated. The very same people who first defrauded the merchants now solved the problem they created by assuming control over the exchange process. All ingots used in trade would now be stamped as reviewed and verified pure. The first coins of the realm had arrived and with them, the money changers who skimmed a portion of all trade from hard working people while contributing nothing of value to the actual survival of the groups. The important concept here is that the collective asked for, and agreed to, a world where money changers exist…
Fast forward to today and we have coins made of worthless material, paper backed by promises, and digital ingots equally as worthless to any group trying to survive in a world without electricity and modern society. The very thing the money changers initially used to come into existence -debasing the ingots- they have completely thrust upon us. What is changing however, is collective awareness. As the energies continue to rise on the planet more people have begun to see beyond the curtain and understand the inequality that money with no intrinsic value has created. The more we as a collective awaken to the realities of the rules we inherited from our predecessors, the faster we can all agree on the changes we want to make.
What will money and exchange look like after the transition into the fourth density timeline is complete? Once you remove polarization, self-interest disappears. What remains is a focus upon the benefit of all. If it does not serve in raising the collective whole, it will not be a consideration. The thought of self-interest or elevating yourself by standing on the backs of others will carry the same revulsion as the thought of burning someone at the stake does now; it was something that occurred in a darker time that we have all matured beyond.
For the foreseeable future there will continue to be some form of intermediate exchange because it is convenient, and we are comfortable with it. The difference is that it will be fair and equitable for all concerned and no one will attempt to pervert the process. This brings us to the second question.
What will fourth density day to day experience look like?
My initial response to this question is another question; What do you want it to look like? The first thing you have to accept as you enter fourth density is that you are in control. Everyone reading this dropped into this polarized third density timeline with rules that were already in play. I don’t know about anyone else, but it took me a long time to make sense of them. I’m at a point now where I am comfortable conforming to the rules that keep me out of trouble while still being compassionate and helping everyone I can.
I’ve said it before and it is worth repeating, if you don’t agree with something, give it as little attention as possible. Politics, taxes, war, shifty used car sales people, the news in general… personally, I ignore them all as much as I can. This is how I shield my energy and stay centered in a timeline awash in polarity and self-interest.
As you enter fourth density the energy of your consciousness changes as unity takes hold and is felt throughout the collective. What happens and why are concepts explained in the second book and take several chapters to understand. The important aspect for this discussion is that the collective energy that begins to manifest must be focused and utilized for unified goals. Self-serving interests naturally fall away as the energy of unity shines upon them, so shielding is no longer required. I have seen probabilities of what this looks like, but what we all actually create when we get there is up to us. Whatever it is, it will be without polarity and by definition, without the ability to lie, deceive, or hurt one another. As crazy as that sounds when you look around at the current power struggles and inequality of our world, that is what is coming.
Yes, there are some earth changes associated with the shift and I have touched on them in previous articles. Beyond a few measures that you would use to prepare for a hurricane or blizzard, there is nothing else that you can do to physically prepare. You will be right where you are supposed to be… wherever that is. Of far more importance are your preparations in consciousness. You must align the energy of your consciousness to the new energies and accept the changes they bring within you. Fourth density exists at a higher energetic octave and all of the waves and energies everyone is talking about are coming to help you align to the new construct. Hold your arms to the sky and welcome this breath of fresh air into your consciousness every time you feel it.
Fear, hatred, anger, and division are all low energy third density frequencies. You should be actively working on purging these from your consciousness as you focus upon love and unity. As you focus on the new, you will find the old energies appear less frequently. They will eventually stop being automatic responses and will become ‘choices’. It is from this place of balance where you use fourth density focus to consciously choose action instead of unconsciously allowing reaction. This is the training regimen we are currently involved in as the progression toward fourth density accelerates.
So again I ask; “What do you want fourth density to look like?”
In service to all,
Todd R Deviney